Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Lady of Deliverance

The original is honored in Peking in the church of Beitang, China.
It was made in thanksgiving for the miraculous protection granted to those who defended the region during the Boxer Rebellion on August 15, 1900.
We remember Roe vs. Wade today.  Dearest Mother, please protect our children, especially against the anti-children ideology of our world.

My husband thinks the Emperor Jesus Christ has similarities in his face to those of our son, Gabriel.  I suppose that is my own love coming out in the brush.  I also think Our Lady looks a lot like my own mother. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Lady of Guadalupe

One of my favorite images, Our Lady of Guadalupe is my mother.  Patroness of the Americas, she is our Beacon of Hope. 
 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.  Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Monday, January 17, 2011

St. Michael the Archangel

    Saint Michael looks handsome and good, and yet utterly fierce.
The sword and cape show that St. Michael is the Commander of the Heavenly armies.  Red, in icons, indicates great authority, usually of divine power (in ancient Greek secular icons of emperors, they wore red boots. For royalty, but also the belief that God gave them their power as rulers).
The colors of the flames which encompass Satan reflect upon the Archangel's wings, showing that both the angel and the flames are instruments of God's justice.
The medallion which St. Michael holds points to the King whom he serves.  The letters IC XC are the first and last letter of the Greek words Jesus Christ.  Some ancient icons actually have a picture of Jesus' face in the sphere, rather than the letters.
What's amazing is that every Chrismated/Confirmed Christian has been given a divine sword.  We are soldiers in this Divine Army, and St. Michael is our beloved Commander!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our Lady, Helper of Mothers, Childbirth and Midwives

I was commissioned to write this icon a few months ago.  It is from a 14th century Russian icon.  Our Lady is holding the baby Jesus on her cloth.  In another version of the icon Our Lady's hair is unveiled and worn down, very unusual for Byzantine iconography.  This is a miracle working icon.  The icon in my home parish has assisted many mothers to conceive and carry a healthy baby into this world.