The butterfly is an Easter symbol of Christ, because the caterpillar goes in his cocoon (the tomb), and leaves his tomb a new and beautiful butterfly (new life). The butterfly on my eggs is the Monarch, for the Kingship of Christ.
The feast of the Annunciation is fast approaching. I look forward to a break in the fast in which to honor the Conception of our Beloved Lord, and the fiat of His Mother. On Friday there is no fasting, but good chocolate and tender ribs.

Alas, we have barely begun the Fast, and already my weak self relishes the thought of breaking the Fast! But God knows - caterpillars need some special nourishment if they are to become butterflies. When we take a break from the Fast physically, therefore, we should also take a break spiritually. The Annunciation should be a feast of joy and anticipation. If we are to do well the remainder of the Fast we must throw ourselves wholeheartedly into feasting and praise for Mary's wonderful fiat that begot our Savior. We must gather strength, spiritual strength, so that we can enter into the tomb with Christ, and emerge, on Easter, refreshed and made anew in His Resurrection!
The leaves on the back of the large egg are decorated with little butterfly eggs! |